Nursing Schools
Schools listed here are in Southern California, USA.
Azusa Pacific University
No.1 in the 10 best colleges for nursing in California

- A nationally ranked nursing school.
- one of the best nursing schools in southern California.
- Students can experience multiple clinical facilities such a leading research-based centers,
teaching hospitals, and other community health centers through out the curriculum.
- Students have access to the newest technology such as simulators and virtual patients.
- As a key characteristic of Christian faitth ,students are encouraged but not required to
examine the connection between the Christian faith and their nursing career.
- Students are encouraged to acknowledge the concept of spiritual care, which would better
impact patient's lives positively.
The BSN degree in nursing in APU is accredited by California Board of Registered Nursing
APU NCLEX-RN average pass rate: 80%
Average early salary for APU nursing graduates: $67,000

Citrus college
Long history ADN Nursing program since 2007
- The program believes a good nursing education is built on concepts relating to the individual, health/illness, the environment, and nursing (which includes nursing education, teaching and learning)
- The purpose of the program is to educate students for entry level RN positions in a multicultural health care settings.
-Values nursing student as unique individuals who constantly responds to changing environments in physiological, psychological, social, cultural, developmental, and spiritual domains.
-Believes nursing is an art but also applied science that brings together biological, natural, and social sciences with the caring skills to assist patients to reach an optimal state of wellness.
-11 Month LVN program
Citrus College ADN program is accredited by California Board of RN
Citrus College NCLEX-RN average pass rate: 90.5%

Merced College
Different entry level nursing programs meet your demands
- Merced College school of nursing includes different areas of study including nurse
assistant, registered nursing, and vocational nursing.
- The Allied Health Center where nursing program is located houses with a complete
Registered Nursing skills lab, large computer lab, conference rooms, study rooms, and
multiple large and small classrooms.
- Registered Nursing program also has state-of-the-art equipment and software that assist
student with learning current procedures.
- The mission of Merced college school of nursing is instill students a commitment to fulfill
career dreams and lifelong learning.
Merced College ADN program is accredited by California Board of RN
Merced College NCLEX-RN average pass rate: 86.8%
Glendale College
Partnered with other schools' BSN programs

- The Nursing Program curriculum in Glendale College is designed to equip the graduate with knowledge, skills, and attitudes to function safely as entry-level Registered Nurses.
- Glendale College has partnered with CSU Los Angeles, CSU Northridge, CSU Fullerton that allows students to be dually enrolled in the BSN
- Also partnered with online programs such as APU, National University,
and Chamberlain College of Nursing for students to continue their
Baccalaureate education.
- Friendly to international students
Glendale College ADN program is accredited by California Board of RN
Glendale College NCLEX-RN average pass rate: 96%

Angeles College
offers 3-year accelerated BSN program
- Offers a variety of academic programs predominately in nursing disciplines.
- Vocational nursing program
- BSN program
- Friendly to international students
Angeles ABSN program is accredited by California Board of RN
Angeles College NCLEX average pass rate: 93.94%